What We Stand For

We visualize a world where everyone can earn a noble living and pursue their dreams. We believe in a world where everyone has access to sustainable, dignified jobs that can be the bridge from poverty to prosperity. Building women, girls and the less privileged courage, confidence, and character, to make the world a better place.

Whiles women’s roles and participation in economic activity in the traditional sense has to a large extent been defined and restricted along biological and cultural lines, women’s role in the Ghanaian economy have not been limited to the home alone but has spanned all sectors of the economy with its impact felt more in the agricultural sector and services (wholesale and retail sub-sector) sectors. Women’s participation in the labor force has contributed to household incomes and the education and health of their children.
However, there are marked disparities in women’s access to economic resources that will enable them to achieve their economic and social goals when compared to their male counterparts. Women generally lack access to credit, land, and education, which make their progress in economic development relatively difficult

We recognize women in the informal sector, including their acts of resistance, as an extraordinary asset. While these women continue to persevere. and demonstrate incredible brilliance in their work despite lack of infrastructure, no protection from hazardous working conditions, no social security or social safety nets, funds to expand their business.
Women in the informal economy face even more risk than men due to lower wages, more strenuous work, and familial and societal responsibilities. We are committed to working alongside them to dismantle these structures and make our country more equitable and just. We center women, girls and the less privileged because we understand that when we center the most marginalized among us, it benefits those around us.


Friends of women foundation is working to assist women, girls, gender diverse individuals and everyone impacted by gender injustice and disability. By challenging biases, advocating for best policies and practices to achieve equal opportunities for all. and realize their potential.


To see a world free of poverty where the less privilege realizes their potential and reawaken their authentic power. Sustainable development and gender equality.